Summer is the season for most people to head outdoors and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For those seeking adventure, camping is one of the most popular outdoor activities. Camping, by definition, is sleeping outdoors in a tent. But these days, more and more people are taking camping trips. And…
Author: Gavin Austin

Camping Essentials I Barely Share!
Camping can be fun, but the last part can be hard to do for a lot of people. Between packing the camping gear, figuring out the sleeping arrangements, and figuring out what to eat, camping can seem like one of the biggest hassles when planning a trip. Many people forget that camping is just a…

DIY Campground Flagpole Tips
Make your camping flags this summer with these easy-to-follow instructions. Flags add a touch of color and personality to your campsite. A homemade flag can give your campsite the personal touch you are looking for. Whether you’re camping or hosting an impromptu camping party, a DIY flagpole is a great way to display your pride…

How long Should My Camping Flagpole Be?
Thanks to their use at campgrounds across the country, most camping enthusiasts have at least a passing familiarity with flagpoles. Poles are usually 3 to 4 feet tall and come in a variety of lengths—usually somewhere around 5 to 8 feet. Most flagpoles feature a crossbar near the top and a hook or clamp at…

What to Pack for Your Summer Camping?
If you’re going away for summer camp, it’s important to make sure you’re packing everything you need. Many kids forget to pack lots of snacks, which can make long trips and busy schedules a lot more bearable. Whether you’re going for a long road trip or flying to your destination, pack some delicious and healthy…

What Insurance Cover Do You Need For Traveling Abroad?
In many countries around the world, you need to travel abroad with a valid form of travel insurance to cover areas of the world where medical services are not readily available. You’ll also need to have an international insurance policy to cover the country you’re visiting. This can cover the cost of any medical expenses…

Best Cities to Visit in the UK
It’s easy to think of the UK as a pretty homogenous place, with all the cities and towns on the Emerald Isle looking and acting pretty much the same. However, it’s also amazing how much there is to see in the UK, so it’s one of the best places in the world to explore. The…

How to Prepare for Going Through the Airport
While airports are a scary place, they are pretty safe, thanks to the hard work of airport security personnel. If you know what to expect and what you should do before and after a trip, you can avoid most of the problems that can eventually lead to a bad experience. (And even if you do…

The Ultimate Couple’s Guide to Traveling
A romantic vacation for two is a great way to spend time together, and there are many destinations that are ideal for couples. Whether you prefer exploring big cities or small towns with quaint boutiques, there are plenty of places for you to discover together. Even if you’re the indoorsy type of couple, booking accommodations…

Backpacking Hacks and Tips for Hikers
When hiking, you will face many tests of different natures. While your backpack may be equipped with everything you need, there are always certain items that could come in handy in increasing your chance of survival in the wild. Here is a list of backpacking hacks and tips for hikers. Use Biodegradable Tape to Avoid…